A recent gallery exhibit showcasing seven blue cyanotypes including six 13 x19 inch framed images and my biggest print yet from a negative, a 20 x 30 inch cyanotype of Joshua Tree with Sphinx Moths

Perfecting the cyanotype to turn a deep black has been an obsession and I achieved some incredible detail and depth with my CREOSOTE photogram

Water color Pigment print made from Gum Bicromate from and enlarged negative. Blending historical printing processes with modern technology

Black Cyanotype Photogram of a dill flower on Canson watercolor paper

A recent gallery exhibit showcasing seven blue cyanotypes including six 13 x19 inch framed images and my biggest print yet from a negative, a 20 x 30 inch cyanotype of Joshua Tree with Sphinx Moths
Perfecting the cyanotype to turn a deep black has been an obsession and I achieved some incredible detail and depth with my CREOSOTE photogram
Water color Pigment print made from Gum Bicromate from and enlarged negative. Blending historical printing processes with modern technology
Black Cyanotype Photogram of a dill flower on Canson watercolor paper