About & Contact

Everyday you can find Rose Cefalu obsessing over her iphone photos and over posting on Instagram @joshuatreedesertrose @mrosetravel @rosecefalu, in her spare time she thinks about traveling, making new prints, and fixing up her little house in Joshua Tree.

When she is not writing about herself in the third person, she is planing her next shoot alongside producing award-winning content at a variety of outlets. Currently the Photography Director at Emmy magazine and producing sensual print and video works at Treats! Magazine she also enjoys teaching at the Art Institute of California. Her experience in producing content includes motion and stills in entertainment, style, travel, and lifestyle through a variety of editorial and advertising clients. A few notable magazines: Detour, Flaunt, Movieline, Statement, Primedia automotive, Variety. Rose founded her awesome company racermediainc.com in 2001 and is collaborating with various companies ongoing. (sign up to keep up!)


“Taking pictures is like tiptoeing into the kitchen late at night and stealing Oreo cookies.”
— Diane Arbus

info: cell (213) 407-2984 email: rose.cefalu@gmail.com